How to Help?
We are very aware that each and every one of us is asked almost daily to help those who have been left behind and do not enjoy the luxury we take for granted. We cannot give to everyone and, although the choice is often hard to make, we have to choose.
As it is often the case for long term projects like ours, the effects of our work do not immediately manifest themselves. However, when they do, they tend to last and have the potential to impact the years and generations to come. The parents who were fortunate enough to receive quality education will want the same for their own children.
The alternative is simply an on-going state of poverty that nothing seems to be able to put an end to. Is that worth a few Euros, Pounds or Dollars? The answer is of course YES! Whatever your decison is, thank you so much for visiting our school today
The Avenir Plus Team
Build a School!
Brick after brick, your can help us build a bigger, better school with the proper equipment, where we can accept more children from the Médine neighborhood. Put your brick on our wall!
Sponsor a child!
Many families cannot afford to send their children to school. Even when they can send some of their children, the girls are often the victims of the ‘triage’. Our goal is to be able to accept more children from the poorest families and give a better chance to the girls. Sponsor a Child!
Work with us!
Word of mouth is the best way to enlarge our group of friends and benefactors. You can help us by talking about Avenir Plus to your family, friends and co-workers. Become a friend of Avenir Plus!
Our friends and their websites
Saly Sénégal